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  1. I am new to mountain biking and it’s a growing sport in Southern Illinois. We have a small community of mountain bikers and I’ve find that one of the things that has helped me with the fear aspect is having someone more experienced help me and show me the line to take when approaching an scary rock feature. This has helped tremendously for me!
    I am needing more education on maintenance and will use suggested articles for self maintenance on some things but I am lucky to have a local bike shop that is great and I know I can depend on!
    Thank you for your input! And yes, legs are already scarred from flat pedals in one season!

    1. So great to hear that you have a community of riders! It does really help having ‘trail buddies’ to show you lines or help boost confidence on scary features. Bike maintenance is a skill that needs to be honed just like trail riding – start with the little stuff and you’ll get more comfortable with it. Have a great time out there!

  2. Shoot, I did want to mention that it is hard to see the article through the Ads. There is even a fake reply button that I almost hit. I get the money part but I almost didn’t read it. The bottom bar and the side plus random video ones that float….. ugh. Sorry but it is hard to read.

  3. Thank you!!
    Love the article. I am so guilty of not maintaining my bike. I will follow your advice.
    I disagree, maybe due to where I live or where I view things, I find tons of girl events. I am in Southern California and there are girl races all the time, girl clinics, girl group rides and videos/movies all over YouTube. I don’t think we are deprived in anyway I don’t think too many girls want to switch their make up budget for bike items. AND in order for our men to ride someone needs to watch the kiddos. We that love the sport just need to make the effort. 🙂

    1. Glad you enjoyed reading it! Bike maintenance is an ongoing practice… I’m definitely not perfect at it either! I am finding that more and more women are getting to mountain biking and I’m loving it. Just remember that our men can watch the kiddos when we – women – want to ride as well 😉

  4. Thanks for helping me understand that bike maintenance does not come cheap for most beginners. This only means that there’s a lot of things that I have to do if I want to take this sport seriously. I think that finding a bike shop that I can trust when it comes to gears and services can be a good start.

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